Day Two: EUROPE/AFRICA Teachers with Coordinator Erifily Nikolakopoulou

Around the World in 48 Hours
FELDENKRAIS Awareness Through Movement Lessons®

Day Two: EUROPE/AFRICA Teachers

with Coordinator Erifily Nikolakopoulou

Watch it or download it.

How to download instructions are below videos.

How to do a lesson:

  • Have a small stack of hand towels as a support or a small firm pillow to place under your head as needed.
  • Seated lessons will best be done in a firm chair that does not roll.
  • Go very slowly.
  • Pause the lesson as needed to give yourself time.
  • Move within your own comfortable range. 
  • Do NOT push or strain. You will get more benefits by doing less.
  • Try to let go of doing the movements the “right” way. 
  • Be curious and enjoy the changes.
  • Follow any healthcare restrictions you have been given.


Moving Your Body in Your Mind  🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️

Is there such a thing as moving just one limb? In this gentle lesson we will attempt to clearly feel the interconnectedness we are called to embody.


Walking on the Wall 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

Clarifying transmission of force with contralateral movement for more efficient walking.


The Sternum Becoming Flexible 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 

Using the sensitivity instead of power to reorganize yourself.


From Sitting to Standing While Turning  🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 

Getting up from the floor like a ninja becomes easy in this dynamic, flexibility-enhancing lesson.


The Paradox of the Dead Bird 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 

The pardox of the “deadbird” lessons. ATM lesson for seniors, bringing life to the bird.


Sinking the Spine Between the Shoulder Blades   🌶️  

This lesson introduces you to a firework of possibilities to explore an easy lesson from the perspective of the movement itself but a firework of exploring strategies.


Lower Abdomen as the Center of Movement  🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

In martial arts, the lower abdomen represents the center of energy. This lesson gives us the opportunity to develop more awareness for this zone and to feel the benefits we can gain for our movement if we use this area more clearly.


Head Stand Preparation 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️ 🌶️

An easy lesson from the perspective of the movement itself yet a firework of exploring strategies.

How to Download

To download the video, audio, or transcript you need to:

  1. First, play the video
  2. Then click the download button (that looks like this  )
  3. It will show the transcript options, then click on Transcript (TXT), Audio (MP3), or Video (MP4)
  4. It will automatically download onto your computer, If you cannot locate it, check the “Downloads” folder on your computer. 

This audio or video lesson is for educational and entertainment purposes only. Anything shared by the instructors including all articles, videos, photos, audio recordings, and documents of any kind available in Future Life Now Online is not a substitute for professional help or medical treatment. Nothing on Future Life Now Online is intended to diagnose or treat any pathology or disease of any kind. This website, all media files found on it and the creator of any and all of these files, and anyone featured on these files, cannot be held responsible for any injuries or discomfort that occur. Before doing any of the movement lessons or movements described or portrayed, be sure to consult your medical practitioner.