Tracking Sheet

Tracking What is Where and What You Like

There is a lot coming your way. While some of it is preplanned, a great deal is planned as Cynthia learns more about the needs so we can’t create a map of what lessons are taught until the course is over.

We highly recommend you start creating that grid for yourself now.

We have a handy tracking sheet for you to use to help you with this process. You have two options for using your tracking sheet:


Option #1 – Print the tracking sheet and write on the form as the weeks go. This means you will write the lesson names in the spaces provided. To use this option, download and print the form here:


Option #2 – The other option is a Google Drive file which you can download/copy to your own drive and update electronically as you go along. If you don’t use Google Drive already, this is NOT a good option for you. 

To use this option, click the link below: