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Kenneth Rogers

Hello All, I’ve been struggling to get my photo downloaded so hopefully it will appear with this post. I am new to YLB, but not new to Feldenkrais. I have spend the last year and a half doing FIs and ATMs. I am happy to report I am pain free for the most part with some discomfort at times. This is after over a year in 24/7 pain with hip/butt issues and with recommendations from MD’s to get my hip replaced. I chose the Feldenkrais path instead and glad for it. I’m hoping to return to a more active life of golf and tennis, but even if not, I have improved the quality of my life. So I believe in Larry’s phrase of “keep moving forward”.

What keeps me motivated is learning. I have spent my professional life as a psychologist and psychoanalyst always studying the mind. Now I’m learning about my body and it’s connection to my psyche. It is exciting for me. I’m now retired, but still growing and learning. I know this is called “Your Learning Body”, but I also think of my body as my Teaching body as my body teaches my nervous system how to function in a pain free way.

I look forward to this continued learning. Ken